收藏: 粉晶| Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is the birthstone of July, the best love stone! Rose Quartz can help open up receptivity, help you open your heart, increase the relationship with the opposite sex; help improve interpersonal relationships, increase popularity, and expand new social circles. Rose Quartz can heal emotional wounds and is suitable for those who have been emotionally hurt.

Pink chalcedony is the birthstone of October . Chalcedony can calm emotions, relieve anxiety, fatigue, and stress; pink chalcedony can also enhance the relationship with the opposite sex and personal charm.


Learn more about Rose Quartz

  • 相传古希腊神话中,众神为了赞美美不胜收的爱神Aphrodite,创造了蔷薇花,从此爱神所到之处,就有蔷薇花为她盛开,天地间的精华也在蔷薇花中形成,这就是粉水晶。
  • 希腊神话中,特洛伊王子帕里斯的小时候,爱神给了一条粉晶手链,上面有爱情预言。后来在一次给爱神的献祭中,遇见了当时世界上最漂亮的女子海伦,海伦与帕里斯对话时,粉晶手链发着的粉红光,使海伦迷上了帕里斯。最后帕里斯把海伦带回了特洛伊,并举行了隆重的婚礼,成为了夫妻。因此粉晶有「爱情之石」的美称。
  • 根据印度七轮,粉晶对应心轮,有助我们打开心扉接纳自己、释放自己内心,重振接收爱的磁场,是分手后最佳的疗伤石;此外,粉晶散发出的粉红色光芒,有助增强个人魅力,增进人缘!
诞生石月份 7、10月
代表星座 金牛座
代表周年纪念 2周年纪念
对应脉轮 心轮


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